ergonomic, workplace, return to work services, disability management

Ergo-Dimensions provides an array of return to work services to allow an employee to remain at work or enable a smooth transition into the work environment. This would allow the employer to set up a suitable return to work plan either for modified work or a permanent job position.  Different types of demands analysis assessments and job coaching sessions are available to our clients.

Job, Physical and Cognitive Demands Analysis Assessments:

  • With a Job Demands Analysis, a specific job is evaluated to identify and summarize mobility, strength requirements, physical environment, psychological factors, and other relevant characteristics of a job.
  • A client may request a Physical Demands Analysis evaluation and summary, which is similar to the Job Demands Analysis, but would not include the psychological or cognitive factors of the job.
  • We also conduct Cognitive Demands Analysis that focuses on the psychological and cognitive processes of a job. This assessment is usually completed when stress could be a contributing factor to musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace.


functional demands analysis assessments, ergonomist, worplace, industrial, office

Functional Demands Analysis Assessment:

A Functional Demands Analysis Assessment would compare a worker’s function or abilities to the demands of a specific job to ensure that all tasks can be safely accommodated. This type of assessment is conducted with a graduated return to work plan or when disability issues arise that require greater clarification for a worker to return to a particular job or modified duties.

Job Coaching Session:

Shadowing of an employee may help improve worker performance by encouraging correct body mechanics, self-pacing, and/or task rotation.

Linda Meerveld is an expert in the prevention and management of injuries, disability management, performance efficiency, and wellness in the workplace. Ergo-Dimensions is central to Hamilton, Burlington, St. Catharines, Niagara, Guelph, Kitchener, Cambridge, London and Toronto, but provides service to any region across Canada. Please contact Linda directly at 905-741-8885 for more information.