We help the employer strategically build effective corporate ergonomic and disability management programs with the health, safety, and return to work team to help employers control costs. We closely work with the client to determine their needs and monitor the progress of the programs.
We can do this by:
- Conducting a Needs Assessment to determine the structure of the ergonomic program and/or disability management program.
- Providing training to management and staff to increase awareness of ergonomics, and learn to identify and control the risks. These basic training packages help the employees set up their work areas, stations, and evaluate design.
- Provide training on Psychosocial Ergonomics in helping to control musculoskeletal disorders as it relates to Stress in the workplace.
- Help corporate leaders in developing procedures, polices and standards in ergonomics and disability management.
- Organizational Risk Assessment is an evaluation to determine where in your organization higher risk ergonomic hazards are located and need more immediate attention in terms of solutions. A trend analysis for various factors, such as injury statistics and sick time can be evaluated to determine “hotspot” areas that the organization needs to concentrate on to stay on track in terms of effectiveness and cost.
- Measure the outcomes of the program by conducting a trends analysis on employee absenteeism and cost of interventions.
- Assessing tool, equipment or furniture design to ensure an optimal fit for the employees.
- Developing graduated return to work processes and procedures for successful job reintegration.
Linda Meerveld is an expert in the prevention and management of injuries, disability management, performance efficiency, and wellness in the workplace. Ergo-Dimensions is central to Hamilton, Burlington, St. Catharines, Niagara, Guelph, Kitchener, Cambridge, London and Toronto, but provides service to any region across Canada. Please contact Linda directly at 905-741-8885 for more information.